
170 Video

duration: 8 Hour and 3 Minute

4 Ways Body Language Can Boost Your Mood


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Body language is one of the most important forms of communication we have. A person’s body language can change other people’s perception and can change their self-perception too. Here are four ways body language can boost your mood. 1. Smile. Experts say that smiling can have a big impact on your mood. Smiling with someone or even on your own helps you take in information more positively and boosts your mood. 2. Straighten Up. Research shows that sitting and standing up straight makes it harder to think negatively. A 2004 study concluded that you are far more likely to have a positive empowering mindset if your posture is straight. 3. Drop Your shoulders. The shoulders are on of the most common places to hold stress in the human body. Taking a moment to allow your shoulders to relax will increase blood flow around the body and relax the mind. 4. Strike A Pose. 'Making yourself big’ by posing in a powerful way is linked to increased testosterone and other dominating hormones. Widening your shoulders and raising your arms above your head are poses which are proven to raise your daily self-confidence.

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