
170 Video

duration: 8 Hour and 3 Minute

Psychology Proves Getting Dressed Up Makes You More Happy


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Social psychologists say that what you’re wearing can change the way you think and behave. Changing out of pajamas and into day clothes could make you happier and feel more in control. Getting dressed up could also make you feel prepared for the day and make you feel better about yourself. Even if you’re working from home, getting dressed ‘as normal’ for the day could boost your mood. Staying in pajamas or sweats can negatively affect how you feel. Psychologist Dr Adam Galinsky says that “enclothed cognition” means clothes can put you in a different psychological state. We think not just with our brains but with our bodies , Dr. Adam Galinsky, Psychologist. So it might be worth getting out of those ‘lounge clothes’ if you're stuck indoors for the day. You’ll feel better

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