
170 Video

duration: 8 Hour and 3 Minute

Dreams Of Those With Out Of Body Experiences Turned Into Remarkable AI Artworks


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Dreams are being turned into reality as new research investigating the unusual experiences of people with “depersonalisation symptoms”, meaning they report feeling their body does not belong to them. The unusual phenomenon is being brought to life in an art exhibition at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge. ARU neuroscientist Dr Jane Aspell has led a major international study into depersonalisation, which found that people who experience life from a very different perspective, both while awake and while dreaming. Now some of these dreams have been recreated by eight students from ARU's MA Illustration course and the artwork went on display from 31 March 2023 as part of the Cambridge Festival. The artists include Xinyue Peng, Yuxin Gu, Suhong Zhou, and Jewel Chang. As well as Jinpu Zuo, and Kelsey Wu. Two works by Megann Ma are also part of the exhibition. This collaboration between art and science has resulted in 12 original artworks, which have been created using the latest audio-visual technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI). They are presented using a mix of audio-visual installation, virtual reality (VR) experiences, and traditional media.

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