
170 Video

duration: 8 Hour and 3 Minute

Improve Your Self-Control with this Straightforward Technique


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Despite our better judgment, we often make choices that we later feel bad about. Well, we can strengthen our self-control and make better choices by making simple changes to our environment. This technique is called self-nudging. It helps people structure their environments in a way that enables them to make better choices. The first step is to understand how our environment influences our decisions. The second step is to change our environment in a way that will prompt us to make a good choice. For example, if you get easily distracted by notifications on your phone while working, turn off the notifications. There are four different categories of self-nudging according to researchers. The first is using reminders and prompts, the second is framing our choice or decision differently. The third category is reducing the accessibility of things that harm us or making it easier to do the better option. The final category of self-nudging is using social pressure or self-commitment to increase your accountability. The goal of self-nudging is to help people make more rational and healthier decisions. Various needs and desires are always competing for attention in our minds and bodies. Self-nudging can help us to negotiate these internal conflicts. It is a practical tool that can enhance self-understanding, Samuli Reijula, Philosopher at the University of Helsinki.

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