How to become rich

68 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 55 Minute

5 Insights About Vladimir Putin’s Finances


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

5 Insights About Vladimir Putin’s Finances, By Chris Kissell. 1. He might be among the world’s richest people, In 2017, William Browder, founder of Hermitage Capital Management testified before Congress that Putin had a net worth of around $200 billion. But in truth, no one knows how much money Putin has. 2. He makes a modest salary … at least on paper, Russia’s president earns about $119,000 per year, according to disclosure documents released by the Kremlin. 3. He supposedly owns a small home, Kremlin disclosures claim that Putin owns an 830-square-foot apartment. Critics say Putin owns many properties, including the infamous “Putin’s Palace,” a complex located on the Black Sea coast near Gelendzhik. The cost of the build? A mere $1.3 billion. 4. He loves luxury watches, In 2012, it was reported that Putin had a collection of luxury wristwatches valued at nearly $700,000. 5. He’s been personally sanctioned, World governments are preventing banks and other businesses from transacting with Putin. But reports say Putin hides his assets, and few are kept in traditional institutions such as banks

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