How to become rich

68 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 55 Minute

This Man Has Made $75,000 by Suing Robocallers


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

This Man Has Made $75,000 by Suing Robocallers, By Chris Kissell. Most of us gnash our teeth and curse when we get a robocall. But one man has found a way to turn spam calls into cold cash. Dan Graham, a Texas-based financial accounting consultant, has hunted down and sued companies responsible for robocalls. In the process, he has wracked up $75,000 in settlements from small claims court cases. Companies that illegally call numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry or place an illegal robocall can currently be fined up to $43,792 per call, - FTC. Graham soon began filing lawsuits against companies that violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and over time, the victories piled up. After filing 50 such lawsuits, he has earned thousands of dollars

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