How to become rich

68 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 55 Minute

6 Easy Ways To Save Money On Your Next Food Shop


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

It’s very easy to spend a small fortune on groceries each week, but these tips will help you save time and money. 1. Make a meal plan This will stop you from buying food you won’t eat, or buying too much food that will go to waste.  2. Check your pantry and refrigerator. You may already have some of the items on your list and checking before you go to the store will make it easier to meal plan. 3. Avoid snack-sized foods. It’s cheaper to buy the large or normal size of your favorite snacks. You can then divide them into snack-sized portions at home using containers and ziplock bags. 4. Look out for sales. Take advantage of sales and plan some of your meals around what is on offer in your local grocery store. 5. Bulk Buy. Buy foods like rice, grains, nuts, and dried fruits in bulk. This can save you a lot of money. 6. Go For Basics. Opt for meals with basic ingredients that can be used in a variety of different ways. It’s more expensive and wasteful to make a meal with ingredients that can only be used for that specific meal.

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