
55 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 28 Minute

Sitting Down Is The Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Health


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Recent studies have shown that sitting down for prolonged periods of time is one of the worst things you can do to your body. In fact, it was found that sleeping is actually more beneficial to your health than sitting down. This is because sitting has absolutely no benefit to your cardiovascular system, but sleeping puts you in a state of recovery. Sitting down can have a huge impact on your cardiovascular health, but this can be corrected with some minor lifestyle changes. Experts recommend small doses of heart-pumping cardio for around thirty minutes a day. While running or playing sports is ideal, it can be as simple as going for a brisk walk or even taking the stairs. Anything that raises your heart rate for even two minutes throughout the day can radically improve your health. Cardiovascular conditions are currently the world’s number one killer, claiming 18 million lives annually. And the first step to avoiding becoming a part of that statistic is simply standing up.

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