
55 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 28 Minute

Having Pet Cats And Dogs Could Protect Infants From Food Allergies


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

According to new studies, children who spend their early infancy living with a pet dog or cat are less likely to develop food allergies. The PLOS One study analyzed 65,000 children and found that children with pets are 13%-16% more protected from food allergies. The study found that infants exposed to cats early in their development were less likely to develop egg, wheat, and soybean allergies. While infants that had more exposure to indoor dogs were less likely to have egg, milk, and nut allergies later in life. It was found that exposure to hamsters during fetal development was linked with doubling the risk of nut allergies in children. While the reason for the added protection is unknown, it is theorized that the bacteria brought in by pets strengthen the child’s immune system. Dr. Jonathan Bernstein spoke on this saying it is “critical to have these exposures” as the child’s “immune system is developing.”

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