
55 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 28 Minute

Period Pain Forces People To Take 5 Days Off Work A Year


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

A OnePoll survey of 2,000 people found that 62% of those who menstruate have taken time off work because of their period. On average, respondents took five days off work because of their period. 46% of those who have taken time off revealed that they did so because they were afraid of leaking at work. While 63% didn’t want people to see their period products. 61% of those who’ve experienced menstruation say that it disrupts their lives in several ways. 51% of people abstain from sex during their period, 45% don’t exercise and 41% avoid socializing. Survey respondents were more likely to talk to their doctor about their period than their work colleagues or parents. Gen Z is more likely to talk to friends or romantic partners about their period than millennials. Half of people believe there is still a stigma around menstruation, this could be why 65% would rather suffer in silence.

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