Business Tips

76 Video

duration: 5 Hour and 11 Minute

6 Tips for a Successful Virtual Job Interview


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

6 Tips for a Successful Virtual Job Interview. With a number of companies still operating remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual job interviews are a necessity. Here are six tips to help you confidently take on your next video interview. 1. Be ready for you interview at the scheduled time. There’s no point in being early and showing up late doesn’t look good. 2. Get rid of distractions. Turn off any notifications and set up in a quiet, noise-free area. 3. Pick the right background. Opt for something that's simple and neutral or that displays who you are as a candidate. 4. Make sure you have proper lighting. Sit facing a window to use natural light and make sure there’s no light source right behind you. 5. Wear headphones to improve sound quality, block out distracting noises and prevent an echo. 6. Always test your computer's camera and microphone. Making sure all your tech works beforehand will prevent any mishaps from occurring during your interview

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