Saving Wildlife

40 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 49 Minute

Warmhearted woman rescues and takes care of injured turtle



Immensely pleasant footage has surfaced of a warmhearted lady saving an injured turtle's life and then taking care of him. "Stopped to help a turtle cross the road and discovered he had been hit and gotten his hindlegs paralyzed," the filmer, Sarah Wischkaemper told WooGlobe. The mini-compilation shows the shelled thingy trying to drag his body across the surface using only his front legs, chilling in a temporary home built by Sarah, and biting a strawberry while in her care. "We took care of him until we could get him to the wildlife rescue in Texas," the filmer added. Name: Sarah Wischkaemper Location: Portales, NM, USA Filmed on: 2021-09-07 WooGlobe Ref : WGA068251

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