
55 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 28 Minute

Fastest Ways to Relieve Period Pain | Period Cramp | Period Pain Relief | Home Remedies | Healthapta


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#periods #period #periodstory #periodspain #healthapta #healthtips #healthiswealth #healthtips #fastest #waystoreliefpain Fastest Ways to Relieve Period Pain | Period Cramp | Period Pain Relief | Home Remedies | Healthapa Period pain is a very common problem with female. It is normal to have mild to moderate pain for one or two days during the menstrual cycle. It usually starts when the bleeding begins, however some women are start feeling pain 2 to 3 days before the start of their period. Today we will explore few simple remedies to deal with period pain: These are Stay hydrated, abdominal breathing, Application of coconut oil, and Yogasana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: This video is just for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with an question you may have regarding a medical condition. Always consult with your doctor before starting any exercises or doing anything contained in this video. Thanks For Watching Subscribe to become a part of #HealthApta SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Like, Comment, Share and Enjoy the videos. #periods #period #periodstory #periodspain #healthapta #healthtips #healthiswealth #healthtips #fastest #waystoreliefpain #period pain #menstration #painkillers #women's #health #health #menstrualcycle #uterus #cramps #womb #advice #periodpainrelief #homeremedies #asana #immediaterelief #period cramps #cramps even after #medicine #how to stop a period cramps #menstruation # awareness #period cramps #remedy #hot #water #bottle #exercise #home #remedies period cramps #period cramps #facts #paracetamol #how to treat #menstural cramps

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