
55 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 28 Minute

Talk To Your Baby To Develop Their Brain


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

We may feel ridiculous whenever we talk to a baby but it turns out that it can help the baby’s brain develop much more efficiently. New research suggests that talking to babies can play a crucial role in shaping the structure of their developing brains. The study found that toddlers who were exposed to more speech on a regular basis showed to be more efficient in processing language. Brain scans revealed a higher myelin concentration, enabling faster and more efficient message transmission. Myelin enhances the neuron's ability to transmit signals and strengthen its connections with other neurons. The researchers suggest that brain development goes through different stages. With early years of development characterized by rapid brain growth and subsequent stages involve nurturing existing cells. So, talking to a baby from an early age and continuing to do so for the following years is crucial for a child’s development.

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