Singers Life

21 Video

duration: 0 Hour and 37 Minute

Pink Tells Anti-Choice Fans To Stop Listening To Her Music


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Pink has told fans that support the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade to stop listening to her music. If you believe the government belongs in a woman's uterus, a gay persons business or marriage, or that racism is okay- THEN PLEASE IN THE NAME OF YOUR LORD NEVER F*****G LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AGAIN , Pink tweeted. Pink then told fans that she believes everyone’s “nerves are collectively fried from so many years of racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc.”. She told her followers to “stick together” and then reassured them that “good will prevail over evil”. She then told the “old white men” asking her if she still makes music to ask their kids before saying they can’t as their kids hate them. Pink is one of many celebrities who have recently spoken out against the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V Wade.

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