Funny Animals Moments

127 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 42 Minute

'Dog's Funny Reaction to Receiving an Unexpected Round of Applause'


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

'This is the hilarious moment a doggo found himself getting applauded for a reason beyond his understanding. Julie Everakes filmed this amusing scene and had the following to say: "My friend was dog sitting and I went over to visit and play with Rufus (3-year-old schnauzer)! I had seen this TikTok trend and decided to try it out (aka clapping for Rufus out of the blue)." She added: "He (Rufus) absolutely LOVED it and didn’t want us to stop! He was a bit confused at first but then posed for the applause which was great. Rufus is made for the spotlight!" In less than a month, this adorable clip has racked up about 1.4 million likes on TikTok. Name: Julie Everakes Location: Marina del Rey, CA, USA'

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