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65 βίντεο

διάρκεια: 3 Ωρα και 36 Λεπτό

People explore sandstone caves on a kayak tour!


Τιμές βίντεο: 20 Euros Monthly

Explore the beautiful carved sandstone cave systems through a kayak tour with @steviewaterskayak . Meyers Sea Caves is located near the apostle islands on Lake Superior. You will meet your tour group at Meyers Beach, Wisconsin This tour is about 4-6 miles round trip, great for beginners and more experienced kayakers the tour is in total is about 2 hours. It's a great arm workout i I know it sounds like a lot but it's honestly not bad and my arms did not hurt the next day. - Filmed on: 2024-08-01 - Location: US, Bayfield

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