Funny Animals Moments

127 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 42 Minute

Moment entire family of monkeys swarm UK family's car at safari park!


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Footage shows the brazen animal sitting on the bonnet ripping apart the car's windscreen washers as the infant clings on. Mum-of-three Charlotte Wilson, 38, had treated her family to a trip to Longleat Safari Park in Warminster during the Bank Holiday weekend. The family were driving through the tourist attraction around midday when a family of monkeys jumped onto their car. Teacher Charlotte, from Swindon, said: "The funny this was we were moaning about how the monkeys weren't paying us any attention. "Then all of a sudden a whole gang of them climbed on top of the car. "They were there for about 15 minutes and that gave them enough time to try and rip the car apart. "There were so many people in front we were just driving at a snail's pace so the only thing we could do was put the windscreen washers on. "They must have been thirsty as it didn't get them away, they just tried to drink it." Filmed on 30th August 2021

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