Wildlife Photography

46 Video

duration: 0 Hour and 44 Minute

Photographer captures the STUNNING sight of brown bears play-fighting with each other, on camera


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

This ain't no clash of the titans but it's not exactly a puppy fight either. What this video features is a short-and-sweet play-wrestling bout between two bears. The teddies don't stop going after each other until one of them gets its buddy pinned to the ground. "In the less-intensely populated parts of the Alaska Peninsula, finding bears can sometimes be a challenge," the filmer, Dave Fleishman told WooGlobe. "I came over a slight rise in the tundra to see this pair of sub-adult brown bears engaged in a play bout." Name: Dave Fleishman Location: Alaska Peninsula, Alaska Filmed on: 2021-07-31 WooGlobe Ref : WGA142057

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