
50 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 18 Minute

Here Are Some Tips When Freezing Your Summer Fruits


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

As summer comes to a close, we often find ourselves with a freezer full of summer fruit that we thought we’d use up now. It’s also unlikely that you’d use the gallon of fruit that comes in the bag, so deciding what to do with the rest can be a struggle. The first thing you should do is figure out what you’re going to use the fruit for, for example, you need two cups of blueberries for muffins. It will vary depending on the fruit of course, as you’ll probably need a full gallon of cherries to make a pie. Once you figure that out, you can place the fruit in bags of different sizes, which will likely result in less waste. Another hack involves grouping fruit you would use together in the same bag, like when you’re making a smoothie. Lastly, ensure that you're packing the fruit properly. Thoroughly cleaning the bags will prevent the fruit from spoiling.

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