Sport Moments

22 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 19 Minute

Rider loses jet ski in a cloud of snow following a failed jump attempt


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

The 007 auditìons are getting wilder by the day! This footage captures the insane moment Andreas Ingilæ attempted a jet ski jump, only to lose grip on it in mid-air. It can easily pass for a blooper from a high-octane action movie, so the fact that it was totally real makes it all the more impressive, despite things not going in the filmer's favor. Moreover, the visual of him and his ride disappearing into the cloud of snow was the icing on top. "Was just trying something new and this happened," Andreas said while talking to WooGlobe. "As they say, welcome to the real world!" Name: Andreas Camilo Ingilæ Location: Kjøllefjord, Norway Filmed on: 2023-03-18 WooGlobe Ref : WGA218116

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