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duration: 5 Hour and 39 Minute

Music Publishers Sue AI Startup Over 'Widespread' Copyright Infringement


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Music Publishers Sue AI Startup , Over 'Widespread' Copyright Infringement. On October 18, Universal Music filed a lawsuit against AI startup Anthropic over "systemic and widespread infringement of their copyrighted song lyrics.". On October 18, Universal Music filed a lawsuit against AI startup Anthropic over "systemic and widespread infringement of their copyrighted song lyrics.". NBC reports that two examples cited in the lawsuit are searches for Katy Perry and Gloria Gaynor's lyrics. In the process of building and operating AI models, Anthropic unlawfully copies and disseminates vast amounts of copyrighted works, Universal Music lawsuit, via NBC. Just like the developers of other technologies that have come before, from the printing press to the copy machine to the web-crawler, AI companies must follow the law, Universal Music lawsuit, via NBC. NBC reports that other music publishers were also listed as plaintiffs in the case, including Concord and ABKCO. Anthropic was founded by former research executives from OpenAI, with funding from major companies like Google and Zoom. Anthropic was founded by former research executives from OpenAI, with funding from major companies like Google and Zoom. Since March, the company has managed to raise $750 million in funding, with a total value now estimated at $4.1 billion. In July, the company unveiled Claude 2, the latest iteration of its AI chatbot. . According to Anthropic, Claude 2 has the ability to summarize up to approximately 75,000 words. . By comparison, OpenAI's ChatGPT can only handle summaries up to about 3,000 words. We have been focused on businesses, on making Claude as robustly safe as possible, Daniela Amodei, co-founder and president of Anthropic, via CNBC

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