Wildlife Photography

46 Video

duration: 0 Hour and 44 Minute

Mom & pup otter show how peaceful life is when you mind your own business & keep moving


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Mothers love their children, whether we are talking about humans or animals, but you already knew that. Surfacing from California, this delightful clip features an otter cruising through Monterey Harbor on her back and making sure her baby remains well over the water's surface. "I was able to film a mom and pup sea otter traveling through Monterey Harbor," the filmer, Evan Brodsky told WooGlobe. "I just couldn't get enough of this sight!" Name: Evan Brodsky Location: Monterey Bay, California Coast, USA Filmed on: 2023-01-06 WooGlobe Ref : WGA290348

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