Saving Wildlife

40 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 49 Minute

Saving The Asian Elephant: World First Pilot Study Of New Vaccine To Fight Elephant Virus Begins In UK And Irish Zoos


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

A world first pilot study of a new vaccine that helps elephants fight a deadly virus has begun in UK and Irish zoos. The vaccine aims to educate the immune system of the Asian elephant to fight the virus that is threatening the survival of the endangered species globally. Early tests showed the jab stimulates an immune response after vaccination. Developed as a result of a long term collaboration led by scientists at the University of Surrey and Chester Zoo it is the first vaccine of its kind ever to enter a pilot study with elephants, anywhere in the world. Elephant care experts at Chester Zoo are now leading the first vaccine pilot study, supported by a host of other major conservation zoos in the UK and Ireland including Dublin Zoo, Whipsnade Zoo, Blackpool Zoo and Woburn Safari Park. A vaccine that can protect Asian elephants is widely viewed by conservationists as the best hope for tackling the virus known as elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV). EEHV is a major threat to the long-term survival of the Asian elephant, of which just 40,000 now remain worldwide.

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