
30 Video

duration: 0 Hour and 50 Minute

6 Vegetables You Can Plant In The Fall And Winter-


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

Growing your own vegetables is a cost-effective way of ensuring you eat your five-a-day. However, it can be tricky to figure out what vegetables grow best in different seasons, especially fall and winter. Asparagus can live through harsh winters, so it can be planted in the fall and potentially be ready for spring. It can take a year or two for asparagus to be harvest-ready, so patience is necessary. Radishes are a robust vegetable that can deal with temperatures as low as 50°F. They can be planted in the fall, in an area that doesn’t get too cold during the winter. Peas are full of nutrients and can deal with freezing temperatures. They prefer mild and cool weather, so they’re perfect to plant in the fall. Cabbage is great to plant in fall and winter, as it thrives in cold weather. Kale can be grown in the winter if planted in a sunny area and provided with moist soil. Cauliflower takes 50 to 80 days to grow, so it should be planted at the start of fall, to be ready for a winter harvest

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