
36 Video

duration: 2 Hour and 18 Minute

This omelette From Hanoi, Vietnam, Is Made With Worms


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

This omelet is made out of worms. The dish, called Cha Ruoi, is found in Hanoi, Vietnam and must be prepared a certain way, otherwise the worms will smell. Apparently, when prepared properly, the worms taste greasy, sweet, crunchy and perfectly delightful. Before you prepare the peculiar omelet, the worms need to be washed in hot water, and the tentacles need to be removed to get rid of the smell and to prevent them from making you itchy. After they’re clean, they’re combined with minced pork, egg mandarin peel, onion and dill in a bowl. A little but of fish sauce is dashed in and the mixture is mushed together. It is then fried slowly over a low heat until it resembles somewhat is an eggy pancake. If you ever could even conceive of making the dish yourself, remember that the mandarin peel is super important because it helps mask the smell. Harvest season for the worms is between September and November — that’s apparently the best time to eat them fresh. Many Hanoians views the creepy crawlies as a miracle from nature, since they have such a short harvest season. So it, for any reason, this dish sounds appetizing to you, you’ll have to get it at the right time.

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