
36 Video

duration: 2 Hour and 18 Minute

Taiwanese man eats stomach-churning omelette made from cockroaches


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

A Taiwanese man began eating cockroaches to get rid of the bugs when they multiplied out-of-control in his home. Sun Kuocheng filmed himself enjoying an omlette dish rustled up from eggs and crunchy roaches in a stomach-churning mukbang, or food vlog, video on June 23. Speaking to Chinese media, Sun said he had been breeding the Dubia cockroaches to feed his pet reptiles. When their population ballooned and the lizards could not keep up, he thought of disposing them - by eating them himself. He said he had shared the idea with a culinary group on social media, and recorded himself tucking into the cockroach omelette as proof when they refused to believe him. Describing the bizarre ingredient, Sun said the roaches had no smell, had a 'slight mushroom flavour', and tasted 'something like shrimp with the shell on'. He added that the insects made him feel full and sated. Sun said: 'Cockroaches are just insects and shouldn't be feared. They are actually high in protein and low in fat.'

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