
74 Video

duration: 4 Hour and 17 Minute

Powder plunge: First-time skier's heart-pounding descent ends in a fall


Video prices: 20 Euros Monthly

She was on a skiing trip with her friend, excited for her first time on the slopes. The snow-covered mountains looked both inviting and intimidating as she strapped on her skis. With a mix of nervousness and excitement, she began to slide down the hill, feeling the rush of cold air against her face. The thrill of the descent made her heart race. However, as she picked up speed, she wobbled and lost her balance. She tried to steady herself, but it was too late. She slipped and tumbled into the snow, landing in a soft, powdery heap. Thankfully, she wasn't hurt. Location: Denmark WooGlobe Ref : WGA550599

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